
Rabobank Kennismakers x PlainAmstrdm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In the RaboBank knowledge makers program, entrepreneurs help each other to do things differently. They share tips, experiences and talk about challenges. How do they resemble each other? And what do they do differently? The knowledge of one helps the other.

Rabobank has invited PLAIN Founder Remilio Caupain to talk to Melle the Founder of TheGoodRoll about doing business.

Kennismakers EP9 2

Founder of PLAIN

Kennismakers EP9 1

Founder of TheGoodRoll

Leading for the fragment was having a web shop.

Many different parts of having a web shop have been reviewed. Maintain and keep your website relevant. Melle had a very clear vision about this. He is working daily with his team to see what can be improved on the website.

This was very inspiring for Remilio because he certainly often looks critically at the website, but he hadn’t thought of changing it daily or weekly.

To find out what other topics were discussed and what the two entrepreneurs thought of each other and of the conversation, I see the fragment below.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

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